Green Solutins

1) Switch 3 lights to compact fluorescent lights -- CFLs use approximately 75% less energy than incandescent lights. The emissions savings are based on the assumption that you are replacing 3, 75-watt bulbs that are operated 4 hours a day, 365 days a year.

2) Replace a porch light with a CFL -- CFLs use appr. 75% less energy than incandescent lights. The emissions savings are based on the assumption that you are replacing one, 75-watt bulb that is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

3) Turn your thermostat down 2 degrees / AC up 2 degrees -- U.S. households consume 183 billion kWh for air conditioning (1,710 kWh/year per household). About 57% of U.S. households use natural gas as the main fuel for space heating. About 30% use electricity.

Households using electricity for space heating consume 3,524 kWh/year for space heating. Households using natural gas consume 55.4 million Btu/year for space heating. This means that households with electric heating use a total of 5,234 kWh/year for heating and cooling (3.5 tons CO2 emitted). Households with natural gas heating use 1,710 kWh/year for cooling and 55.4 million Btu/year for heating (total 4.4 tons CO2).

Adjusting your thermostat 2 degrees (up in summer, down in winter) can save 4%.

Programmable thermostat / AC -- U.S. households consume 184 billion kWh for air conditioning (1,710 kWh/year per household). Approximately 57% of U.S. households use natural gas as the main fuel for space heating. A
bout 30% use electricity.

Cooking with the sun

Insulate your home -- U.S. households consume 183 billion kWh for air conditioning (1,710 kWh/year per household). Approximately 57% of U.S. households use natural gas as the main fuel for space heating. About 30% use electricity. Fuel oil, kerosene or LPG and are not considered.

Households using electricity for space heating consume 3,524 kWh/year for space heating. Households using natural gas consume 55.4 million Btu/year for space heating.

This means that households with electric heating use a total of 5,234 kWh/year for heating and cooling (3.5 tons CO2 emitted). Households with natural gas heating use 1,710 kWh/year for cooling and 55.4 million Btu/year for heating (total 4.4 tons CO2).

Installing insulation and sealing leaks can save as much as 10%.

Air dry your clothes -- The U.S. uses 66 billion kWh per year to dry clothes.
Air drying rather than machine drying laundry three months every year would save 25% of this energy.

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